BSC Affiliation
Basingstoke Sports Council work 'With and for Local Sport' on a fully voluntary basis and has various initiatives underway each year including grant aid, sports awards, Coaching bursaries, talented & gifted support and promotion, volunteers promotion, festival of sport etc which need considerable co-ordination and some funding. Throughout the year we also work continually with Leagues and clubs, interact with the Borough Council and other sporting agencies and provide information via our website and Facebook page alongside emails and meetings which should be promoted to sporting colleagues.
The annual prestigious Basingstoke & Deane Sports Awards takes an enormous amount of work including raising sponsorship on behalf of the sporting community to enable the event to take place. With most local clubs having representation at the event with a three course meal provided, surely support via affiliation is not much to request ? In addition, organisation of a variety of other valuable initiatives including the Festival of Sport an close interaction with other partners including Basingstoke Voluntary Action on our members behalf surely warrants the affiliation support of clubs within Basingstoke & Deane.
Affiliation by major Clubs and Leagues continues to demonstrate local sporting unity to the County Council, Borough Council and Sport & Physical Activity Alliance. This assists us in negotiations on behalf of the Basingstoke & Deane Sporting community and with further proposed cutbacks in support from the County and Borough Council plus a general tightening of belts by sponsoring companies etc, the Voluntary Basingstoke Sports Council looks upon full support and unity by the Local Sports Community if we are to continue.
Please also note that the Basingstoke Sports Council website also now has regular news updates which your league, club and members should find of interest - and if possible please add a link to the BSC news area from your own league or club website. Feel free to raise any issues via email, BSC website feedback facility or request attendance at a BSC committee meeting.
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It would therefore be really appreciated if the local sporting community could demonstrate ongoing support by sending the £15 annual affiliation (Sept 1st) or £27 for two years to our treasurer. 'Any affiliations now paid between 1st July and 1st September 2020 will include 2021 as extended due to the lack of activity over the past months due to COVID19'.
Payments can be either a cheque made payable to 'Basingstoke & Deane Voluntary Sports Council' (With the League or Club clearly identified on the back of the cheque) or a Bank transfer to: Basingstoke & Deane Voluntary Sports Council at Metro Bank, Chiswick House, Basingstoke Town Centre, RG21 7LD - Sort Code: 23-05-80 / Account Number: 34460949. Please insert your group name as the transfer reference.
Cheques can be posted to the Sports Council Treasurer, John Botting at 34 Exeter Close, Kempshott Rise, Basingstoke, RG22 4PJ - and when posting or making a bank transfer, please email John to confirm that the funds are on the way who will respond via email with receipt of payment.
To Basingstoke Sports Council from ......................................................................Club .................................................Name
We wish to affiliate for 1 (£15) or 2 years (£27) ......................... and either enclose a cheque made payable to 'Basingstoke & Deane Voluntary Sports Council and posted to the Treasurer or have transferred the payment to the Sports Council bank account as noted above. By affiliating you agree that identified club members will automatically receive relevant mailings with sport information from us.